It was the honor of a lifetime to have been commissioned by the President of the American Board of Family Medicine to write one of six foundational manuscripts which would inform the discussion of the 2020 Barbara Starfield Summit, Re-Envisioning Family Medicine Residency Education. This Summit convened leadership of all major family medicine national organizations to provide vision for the future landscape of residency education. Its work product is to inform the Family Medicine Review Committee of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) as it writes new accreditation requirements.

Dr. Edje was appointed to the Accreditation Council on Medical Education (ACGME)’s Family Medicine Review Committee (FM-RC) by the American Medical Association Board for a 6-year term. This committee is charged with reviewing over seven hundred family medicine residency programs annually. It also writes the accreditation requirements for all family medicine residency education programs.


Family Medicine Review Committee
