Dr. Edje finds her core connection to medicine in the four historical pillars of family medicine comprehensive, coordinated, continuous, and first contact care. Her academic focus in within family medicine is master adaptive learning, a framework for learning that prepares the learner for FUTURE learning. The master adaptive learning model as applied to family medicine residency training may be ideally suited to provide the foundation for family physicians to maintain closely aligned with the four pillars, keeping them consistent as threads across the continuum of training and throughout career in a rapidly changing medical environment.

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Dr. Edje was commissioned by the president of the American Board of Family Medicine to write one of six foundational manuscripts which informed the Barbara Starfield Summit, a think tank of medical education leaders in December, 2020 ReEnvisioning Residency Education. Their work-product serves as the springboard for new requirements for the Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education, on which she serves as a member of the Review Committee.

For the article mentioned above, the first in the literature applying the MAL concept to graduate medical education, please click the link:

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34101818/ DOI: 10.22454/FamMed.2021.192268
